Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A common among Specials

This poem was written by my younger brother, who has just entered into IIT Roorkee this year, in august end. It beautifully describes the experience of a new IITian.

Here it goes :

Destiny has given me an awakening shower

and the dreams of complexes are over

No superiority , No inferiority

arosen in me a feeling of equality

The qualities have turned into normalities

The casualities have turned into formalities

No more I am in the limelight

rather am shining as one of the stars in night

Deep inside me is a deep desire

trying to built again a strong empire

But my shadow is wandering like blinds

and I don't know when I will give up against the masterminds

I have forgotten to live alone among crouds

but am learning to be humble among prouds

Gradually time is passing by

and I have realised that I have become

A common among specials

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